Thursday, March 5, 2009

rough week

I have not been posting much because my week has been spinning out of control. My refrigerator stopped working so we had to go buy a new one without any warning. Threw out most of my food because the fridge went from being less cold than usual to not cold at all in 24 hours. We've had a mild stomach thing passing through.

And I could swear my 3 year old is high on dye again. Lots of spitting, kicking and overall disagreeable behavior much of the time. It's been going on all week, but it just dawned on me that I let her have a few bites of Greek salad last night after I had removed the banana peppers. In case you don't know, banana peppers and most pickles are soaked in yellow dye. Clausen makes pickles that are dye free (the refridgerated ones). I posted about banana peppers before. You would think I would learn my lesson, but, well, we all have our moments of stupidity. Maybe if I share mine with other readers, you can chose a wiser path.

1 comment:

Mom4Change said...

It's good to know what pickles are dye free. My son loves them but hasn't been allowed to eat them in quite some time! Sorry about your rough week - I had a similar experience for the last two weeks! My kids got every illness passed around the school. I hope you have a much better week!