Saturday, April 2, 2011

FDA hearings on food dye: no action, but need more research

Here are links to a few articles I found on the recent FDA hearings. I have to admit I'm disappointed about the FDA's lack of response to food dyes, but can't say I'm all that surprised. Food manufacturers do not want to change to more expensive food ingredients. They don't want the cost and hassle of warning labels. The price of food is jumping enough without a change in ingredients. Thus, a huge percentage of the American public remains clueless to the potential affects of food dye on children's behavior. However, I'm also disappointed that the articles seem to focus on ADHD symptoms. Sure we've seen some outrageous hyperactive and impulsive behavioral responses to food dyes in my family. It was the main reason I started the whole ban. However, the reason I've kept my family dye free for over 3 1/2 years was the combination of behaviors: irritability, tantrums, aggression, sleep disturbance, negative thinking, etc. This is what I think research should address. I could live with a kid who was a little bouncy and hyperactive. It's the angry, yelling, defiant personality change that I decided was intolerable. I wish I could show families how much calmer and healthier all 3 of my kids have stayed consistently for the past 3 years off dyes, and how badly things break down in the rare instances that petrochemicals creep into the diet. So on that front, I agree with the FDA. RESEARCH IT MORE. But I certainly hope they do more than run a simple study only looking at hyperactivity. My experience has been that food dyes affect way more than that. I don't need research to know what my own in-house, 3 person case study has shown. Life is better when you eat real food. As we continue to use buying power, more and more natural options will be available.


Becky R said...

So sad, but it is all about money.

I too have a dye free household, I saw my son was more aggressive and that has calmed down.

Amanda Burkett said...

Just found your blog! LOVE IT!! We've been dye-free for about two weeks, and the difference in my five year old is unreal. Yesterday he was given a piece of Super Bubble Gum, and we've had a rough day today. Thank you for posting about the TRUTH! Thank you for sharing your story.

mom said ... said...

I absolutley agree. We have buying power and the more we talk about this issue and walk by the products with added dye, the more companies will take notice. I don't think we have a Krogers near us but felt so happy for you and that you had that convenience. Jewel and Dominicks are adding in more and more organic, or natural products. I read every single label on every single item I purchase and its getting easier and easier. I have 3 kids who all have a sensitivity issues to artificial colors. We have eliminated artificial dye, artificial flavors, preservatives like BHT, high fructose corn syrup, and MSG. I am reading more and more about GMO's too. Its crazy whats in the food supply. I'm SO happy to meet other moms who are dealing with this issue too.